(Risk Propensity, Innovation and Community/region Networking: McCline et al, 2014)
Before beginning to take part in the following survey, please understand that your participation is completely voluntary. You can refuse to participate or stop taking part at any time without giving any reason, and without penalty or loss of benefits to which you might otherwise be entitled. If you decide to stop or withdraw from the survey process, the information collected from you up to the point of your withdrawal will be kept as part of the survey data and may continue to be analyzed, unless you make a written request to remove, return, or destroy the information that can be identified as yours.
The purpose of this survey is to improve our understanding of how “Risk Propensity” i.e., “willingness to take a risk,” plays a role in community and regional leadership development.
No personal risk or discomfort is foreseen because of your participation in this survey process. The following statements are intended to improve our understanding of how you see yourself and the larger community and region of which you are a part in terms of risk propensity. There is no right or wrong response to the following statements. Just answer with your first thought and response to ALL the statements. Please note that all information is confidential and individual feedback on your survey responses will be provided to you ONLY. We will have individual summaries available upon request.
Please provide your contact information below so that we can retrieve your individual responses. We will report out to the general community and region only aggregated data which will not allow your individual data to be discerned. This aggregated data will be useful to all as a benchmark on how your personal attitude toward risk taking compares to the collective attitude about risk taking in the community/region in which you live. As we gather more data, you will also be able to see how your community stands on this particular attitude versus other communities and regions in our state. No individual or personal data will be identifiable in our overall community or region level analysis. Full citations for the research that was used to develop the survey tool below are available upon request.
Instruction: Please indicate how much you agree with each of the following statements by selecting a number between 1 and 7 where: • 1 indicates that you STRONGLY DISAGREE with the statements, and • 7 indicates that you STRONGLY AGREE with the statement. Please work as quickly as you can, and do not stop to think too deeply about any one question, just mark down your first thought. Please respond to all of the statements. The statements are designed to capture YOUR thinking. Remember… this is your opinion and cannot be right or wrong… just your view. There are no right or wrong responses. Just give your first thoughts.
Assessment must be completed by 5pm Wednesday, April 19, 2023.