Assessment Tool for Determining Risk Propensity Leadership

(Risk Propensity, Innovation and Community/region Networking: McCline et al, 2014)

Before beginning to take part in the following survey, please understand that your participation is completely voluntary. You can refuse to participate or stop taking part at any time without giving any reason, and without penalty or loss of benefits to which you might otherwise be entitled. If you decide to stop or withdraw from the survey process, the information collected from you up to the point of your withdrawal will be kept as part of the survey data and may continue to be analyzed, unless you make a written request to remove, return, or destroy the information that can be identified as yours.

The purpose of this survey is to improve our understanding of how “Risk Propensity” i.e., “willingness to take a risk,” plays a role in community and regional leadership development.

No personal risk or discomfort is foreseen because of your participation in this survey process. The following statements are intended to improve our understanding of how you see yourself and the larger community and region of which you are a part in terms of risk propensity. There is no right or wrong response to the following statements. Just answer with your first thought and response to ALL the statements. Please note that all information is confidential and individual feedback on your survey responses will be provided to you ONLY. We will have individual summaries available upon request.

Please provide your contact information below so that we can retrieve your individual responses. We will report out to the general community and region only aggregated data which will not allow your individual data to be discerned. This aggregated data will be useful to all as a benchmark on how your personal attitude toward risk taking compares to the collective attitude about risk taking in the community/region in which you live. As we gather more data, you will also be able to see how your community stands on this particular attitude versus other communities and regions in our state. No individual or personal data will be identifiable in our overall community or region level analysis. Full citations for the research that was used to develop the survey tool below are available upon request.

Instruction: Please indicate how much you agree with each of the following statements by selecting a number between 1 and 7 where: • 1 indicates that you STRONGLY DISAGREE with the statements, and • 7 indicates that you STRONGLY AGREE with the statement. Please work as quickly as you can, and do not stop to think too deeply about any one question, just mark down your first thought. Please respond to all of the statements. The statements are designed to capture YOUR thinking. Remember… this is your opinion and cannot be right or wrong… just your view. There are no right or wrong responses. Just give your first thoughts.

Assessment must be completed by 5pm Wednesday, April 19, 2023.

Section 1 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: Folks in this region normally take a cautious “wait-and-see” position in order to minimize making decisions that cost more financial resources than anticipated.
2: If forced to choose, I take safety over something new.
3: Leaders in my community are more interested in maintaining the status quo than in making new things happen here.
4: I am capable of taking the next steps necessary to follow through with my plans.
5: People in this community speak up even if they have unpopular opinions.
6: my community has plenty of people who champion new ideas, in spite of others who may be against these new ideas.
7: I tolerate ambiguity or unpredictability well.
8: High-risk investments are an opportunity to lose large amounts of money.
9: I try to do the right thing even if no one is looking.
10: I rarely put myself in positions in which I might lose something important to me.

Section 2 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: My work is well supported by the network of friends and acquaintances I have in this region.
2: It is better to ask for permission than to ask for forgiveness.
3: I do not like to express my opinion even if most people have opposite views.
4: Athletes should not be punished if they are only using steroids to improve their performance in a game.
5: I would openly disagree with my boss in front of my coworkers.
6: In general people in my community define success in terms of taking no risks.
7: In my community, I feel free to express my opinion even if most people have opposite views.
8: I like to experience novelty and change in my daily life.
9: I follow the motto, 'nothing ventured, nothing gained.'
10: Folks in this region want to work together to make this a better place to live.

Section 3 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: Lots of folks are talking to other folks to find out how my community can provide new services that have never been tried here before.
2: I prefer a clearly structured daily schedule with no surprises.
3: In my work I tend to only set small goals so that I can achieve them without difficulty.
4: I wear unconventional clothes when I walk around my community.
5: I cheat on my income tax.
6: Most people in this region are willing to spend public funds on new projects, even if it means raising taxes.
7: I usually seek out friends and acquaintances that are excited about exploring new ways of doing things.
8: We currently work quite well as a region to solve problems.
9: If I believe in something, I will make it happen.
10: When facing a decision with uncertain outcomes, my potential losses are my greatest concerns.

Section 4 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: The customer base that my business serves must be bigger than just this region.
2: I avoid uncertain situations because I may lose something valuable to me.
3: I will do whatever it takes to win, even if I must bend the rules a little.
4: Folks in my community are reluctant to make changes.
5: My social network includes individuals who primarily look like me in terms of race, culture and background.
6: Taking business risks makes good sense.
7: I often approach issues in this community in unique and different ways.
8: I avoid uncertain situations because I may lose something valuable to me.
9: I am a member of cross cultural groups working to help solve problems in our region.
10: I generally prefer unforeseen excitement to predictable security.

Section 5 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: I feel best about my work when I know I have followed accepted procedures.
2: I save a little money by taking office supplies from work to my home business.
3: My professional network in this region includes individuals who don’t look like me in terms of race and ethnicity.
4: I get real excited when I think of new ideas that change how we do things.
5: My decisions tend to be made carefully.
6: In this region, networking with others is easy.
7: I seldom follow instructions unless the task I am working on is very complex.
8: I often get up in the middle of the night to make sure all my doors at home are locked.
9: I believe that communities which don’t experience radical changes now and then tend to get stuck in a rut.
10: I have confidence in my ability recover from my mistakes, no matter how big they are.

Section 6 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: When pursuing my goals and objectives, the final result is more important than followings the accepted procedures.
2: It is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens.
3: I get excited when I am able to approach a task in unusual ways.
4: I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times.
5: I would go whitewater rafting at high water in the spring.
6: I would accept a job that is paid solely based on commission.
7: I would like to or have tried bungee jumping at least once.
8: I generally prefer unforeseen excitement to predictable security.
9: I speak my mind about unpopular issues in my community.
10: I tend to imagine the unfavorable outcomes of my actions.

Section 7 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: I'm very cautious when I make plans that involve my health and safety.
2: I don't mind taking chances with things that are important to me.
3: I argue with a friend if we have different opinions.
4: This region is getting to become too diverse.
5: I would invest 10% of my annual income in stocks that might go way up or way down.
6: I will rely on my friends and acquaintances that share my background and cultural experiences to help me secure the resources needed to do leadership work in this region.
7: I usually come through difficulty times with little trouble.
8: I would not hesitate to cheat at cards in a casino.
9: Success in business is really a matter of luck.
10: I admit if my taste differs from that of my friends.

Section 8 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: Behavior in my community is more about maintaining old relationships than welcoming new ideas and new people.
2: I have confidence in my ability do things that others may call reckless.
3: I have a positive self-concept and confidence in my strengths and abilities.
4: my community residents do not hesitate to take risk and make changes that they think are needed to make this a better place for everyone.
5: I feel restricted being tied down to old ways of doing things.
6: My business has a noticeable impact on this region.
7: I would openly disagree with a friend in front of other mutual friends.
8: I am always looking for new and untried ways to do things.
9: This region welcomes me because of the needs that I am satisfying through my work and contributions.
10: The communities of my community only take ‘baby steps’ when it makes changes in what we do here.

Section 9 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: my community has too many procedures and regulations that tend to govern everything that happens here.
2: If I believe in an idea, no obstacle will prevent me from making it happen.
3: I do take chances with my career choices.
4: People in my community avoid discussing difficult issues such as race, ethnicity and religion.
5: To become a successful leader in this community/region you must spend some time every day developing new opportunities.
6: my community strongly supports new businesses that are opening up here.
7: In this region, people are willing to stick their necks out and take a financial risk on things that have not been tried here before.
8: I continually look for new ways to do things in this community/region.
9: I would bet a day’s income in a casino.
10: I systematically plan to use my personal network in this region in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Section 10 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: It does not take me long to snap back when something bad happens.
2: Most folks in my community follow the motto, 'nothing ventured, nothing gained.'
3: I would choose a $3,000 annual raise over a $10,000 bonus.
4: I tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life.
5: Generally, people in my community prefer the status quo where there are few changes going on.
6: I have the ability to make realistic plans for the future as I work on today’s issues.
7: I love being a champion for my ideas, even against others’ opposition.
8: I normally take a cautious “wait-and-see” position in order to minimize the hazard of making costly erroneous decisions.
9: Decision making in my community tends to always be much slower than other communities around us.
10: If I feel that the chance of failure is high, I would not start my own business.

Section 11 1 = Strongly Disagree; 4 = Neither Disagree Nor Agree; 7 = Strongly Agree
1: Political differences strongly inhibit people working together in this region.
2: I speak my mind about unpopular issues at social occasions.
3: I take time to buckle my seat belt.
4: My professional network includes individuals who primarily look like me in terms of race, culture and background.
5: In order to succeed, one must conform to the accepted practices in this community/region.